Maintaining Forestland Databases
Kestrel Forestry has extensive experience creating and maintaining forest resource inventories including the automation of more than 1.9 million hectares in six forests. We also capture forest changes and incorporate updates into inventories in a way that makes ‘forestry sense’ to create clean, uniform, and useful databases.
Kestrel has knowledge of database structure and the relationships between the various Arc/Info spatial covers and Oracle attribute tables. Considerable experience has been developed in performing ad hoc queries to respond to management questions about the landbase and forest management activities. Combined with over 15 years of experience collecting and using forestry data, we are accomplished at extracting the desired information from complex data relationships.
Silviculture Records Management
We automate historical silvicultural and harvesting data into efficient GIS databases for mapping and querying. Our relentless attention to detail, thorough knowledge of how silviculture projects are carried out, and understanding of the relationships between various types of projects will make your silviculture database accessible and easy to navigate.