With the completion of new forest resource inventories (FRI) on OBM base data, there is the problem of what to do with the significant investment in digital spatial data that was captured on the old Lambert FRI. We have tested a number of options to convert the old information to the “new world” and have selected two methods to use depending upon budget and accuracy requirements.
Silviculture records
Kestrel Forestry has completed automation of historical silviculture on ten forests since 1996 (four of them Domtar's), and is currently working on projects for Trus-Joist Weyerhaeuser in Kenora to complete another forest. The partners have experience providing complete annual services; from AWS proposal maps and reports through to invoicing maps for the completed projects. This experience has provided us with a solid understanding of the relationship between various covers and the importance of consistency and adherence to standards. We have also provided annual services to produce AWS maps and reports, field maps, and invoice maps. The conversion of Lambert SRS to OBM was a project developed for Bowater. This has made us quite familiar with the format, procedures, and applications used by for silvicultural data.